Shipping charges and expected delivery dates are displayed in your shopping bag at the time of your order. This information also appears in your order confirmation email.

We package and ship your order as soon as we get credit card authorization and verification. Based on our warehouse location and your shipping address, we determine the most efficient shipping carrier for your order. The carriers that may be used include the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx, United Delivery Services (UDS).

Prices in the chart above reflect shipping for domestic orders quea-bring. For information on international orders, see "International ordering and shipping."

To ship to more than one address

If you're shopping for several people at once and want to ship your various items to several addresses, you must place a separate order for each address. A single order cannot be shipped to multiple addresses. Applicable shipping fees apply to each order placed.

To do this, use the "Save for Later" feature in your shopping bag.

When you're ready to purchase, go to checkout (or click the Checkout button in the top right corner of the website).

Identify the items in your shopping bag that you want to send to the first address.

For each of the remaining items, click "Save for later."

This moves those items to a separate, saved category below your active shopping bag.

Complete your purchase of the first set of items.

Afterward, you can repeat step 1 and then move the saved items back to your active shopping bag.